Community Day looks to bring together Hillsborough
The first ever Community Day will be held Jan. 25 in the HHS gyms.
January 8, 2020
Hillsborough girls and boys basketball is in full swing this winter season! Both programs have been practicing diligently in the off season and preseason in efforts to be formidable opponents. Along with vigorous practices, in an effort to have the players be more community minded, the coaching staff have been working hard to organize and put together a local event at Hillsborough High School called Community Day.
Heading the event is Boys Varsity Basketball coach Scott Kallens. Kallens has wanted to implement an event like this for years, and has been working on putting Community Day together since last Spring. Coach Kallens has a strong sense of community and is involved in various community based projects at both the high school and local organizations like Community Conversations.
“I want our school and community to feel more connected and this event will hopefully be a step in that direction,” Kallens said when asked about his goals for Community Day to achieve.
Community Day 2020 is scheduled for Jan. 25. Both the boys and girls teams will be hosting Nottingham HS with games beginning at 9:30 am. All six teams will play games throughout the day. Halftime entertainment will be provided by the HHS dance and cheer teams, as well as the Circus Place, a local HS band, the Hillsborough Rockettes, and other entertainment groups are still being scheduled.
There will be a concession area set up in the HHS Commons with food items on sale donated by local restaurants such as Roman Gourmet, Tender Lovin Grill, Angelo’s, and Just Subs. In addition to the concessions, a business fair will be set up and begin in the middle gym; it will run between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm. The fair will feature representatives from local businesses, charities, and mental health services.
One of the beneficiaries of the day is Visions and Pathways, a county-based charity that works with homeless and at-risk teens. At the end of the day, a benefit dinner will be held for the charity, catered by Moe’s of Hillsborough. The dinner has been organized with the help and sponsorships from Retro Fitness, Sunnyside Gifts and Legend Equestrian and Atlantic Rehabilitation Institute. Several speakers from local government, the basketball teams and student volunteer assistants will address the audience throughout the dinner.
Tickets for the dinner can be obtained through any Hillsborough Basketball player; tickets are $10. However, admission to the games as well the fair are completely free.
The success of this event depends on the community of Hillsborough. Coach Kallens as well as all those involved in the event wish to see it become an annual occurrence.