Seniors Celebrate National Decision Day Social Distance Style
Seniors proudly show off their new schools
May 12, 2020
May 1, also known as National Decision Day, can be a very stressful day for high school seniors as it is the deadline to decide where they are going to potentially spend the next four years. Despite the pressure on seniors to choose what college they want to go to, it is also a day filled with fun and excitement. Even though seniors were not able to proudly show off their college pride in the halls of HHS this year, they were still able to celebrate their big decisions from home.
Normally, HHS students spend their mornings on decision day taking photos in their new college gear and congratulating friends. A day usually filled with shared joy among childhood friends who are preparing to branch out into the world looked far different this year, but HHS seniors found new ways to celebrate.
Senior Olivia Rutigliano participated in the new trend of “drive-bys,” which is a way to wish friends and family congratulations while maintaining a safe distance.
“I celebrated by running or driving to each of my friends’ houses to write a congratulatory message in chalk on their driveways,” Rutigliano said. “Being at home on decision day was much less exciting than the day I envisioned in school with my friends.”
Despite not being able to see each other wearing their future college t-shirts, seniors are finding ways to share their accomplishments in many different ways, including on social media. By sharing photos on Instagram and Snapchat, students are able to announce their decisions publicly and receive comments of congratulations from their family and friends.
In fact, one HHS senior created an Instagram account to share the achievements of her fellow students. Senior Mia Sullivan uses the Instagram page “hhs.2020decisions” to display photos of each senior that include their future college or university and their intended field of study.
“I started this page because I saw other high schools making these and I thought it would be special,” Sullivan said. “Sadly we are not able to be in person taking our commitment day pictures in the courtyard this year, so Instagram is the next best thing.”
Although it is not the decision day that the class of 2020 had in mind, many are grateful for the time spent with their families before moving on from HHS.
“Although I spent the whole day wishing I was with friends, I was happy to have my family around to celebrate,” Rutigliano said.