Season Two of The Umbrella Academy Does Not Disappoint
The second season of The Umbrella Academy premiered on July 31.
November 13, 2020
Netflix continues to release new seasons to popular shows. A popular show on the streaming service, The Umbrella Academy, recently released its second season on July 31 following the release of its first season in 2019.
The Umbrella Academy is known for the well thought out plot that continues to catch viewers’ attention with each new episode. The story begins with 43 infants who are miraculously born on the same day to random women around the world who showed no signs of pregnancy when the day began. Seven of these children are adopted by billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who creates the Umbrella Academy and prepares his “children” to save the world. As the children grow up, they also grow apart. The only thing that brings them back together as adults is the death of their father and an impending apocalypse. After failing to save the world, the team of siblings travels back in time to the 1960s where season two of the story begins.
Each fifty minute episode continues the original story that is related to the comic once released called the “Umbrella Academy”. Season Two resumes right where the first season ends: making the viewer’s eyes glued to the screen. The season kicks off with the siblings once again fighting off an apocalypse that they accidentally brought with them to the 1960s when they altered the timeline. With the addition of season two to the series, viewers are presented with extra knowledge of their favorite characters and more twists and turns to keep them entertained.
“I did not hear about the Netflix series until my sister brought it up one day and I am beyond thankful for that,” senior Loukas Ganas said. “I have always been into science fiction entertainment so this is the perfect show for me. It mixes in the perfect amount of action along with plot details. I highly recommend you watch it if you have any interest in the marvel movies or any type of superheros.”
The third season is set to release early 2022 to the public to continue the hair-raising and jaw dropping TV show.
“After the final episode of the second season, all I want to know is how the story is continued,” senior Jacob Straz said. “I am counting down the days until I find out all the answers to my questions.”