How to Celebrate Thanksgiving, Non-traditionally
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Not the typical Thanksgiving fare, Chinese food might see an uptick in sales this year.
November 25, 2020
For many, Thanksgiving is a holiday where you wake up at eight in the morning and immediately start cooking. With tons of dishes to prepare, Thanksgiving can actually be stressful for whoever wants to host. Between making the house spotless or making tons of food such as a turkey, mashed potatoes, or other classic sides, Thanksgiving for the hosts can be overwhelming. Especially with COVID-19 preventing us from seeing our families, this year’s holiday will be particularly disappointing for those who were looking forward to it. But, it doesn’t have to be.
Because it is too risky to visit my family this year, my family and I have decided to put our own twist on Thanksgiving. We will not be hosting a huge party and we will certainly not be slaving away in the kitchen all day. This year, we will be getting Chinese food. Yes, you heard me right, Chinese food. We thought it would be a good way for us to keep this holiday as relaxing as possible during this time of chaos. Although this was something we have always wanted to do, we always said we will just do it the next year as we wanted to stay “traditional”. But, in the year of quarantine and coronavirus, we thought this was the best time to do this.
With COVID-19 heavily impacting our economy, getting takeout will (even though it is a small amount) help support our local businesses. With business owners relying on their companies as a source of income, the pandemic has shown them no mercy. So, ordering takeout on Thanksgiving instead of buying and preparing our own food is just one way that we can help out others during a time where we should be grateful. So, if you’re looking for some unconventional plans this Thanksgiving, ordering takeout should definitely be a consideration.