Field Hockey Seniors help out at Visions and Pathways

courtesy of Visions and Pathways
Visions and Pathways is a community based organization that helps struggling youth.
December 4, 2020
During the holiday season, many individuals take the time to realize what they are grateful for. For many, they are thankful for their family, homes, and friends. For the seniors of the Hillsborough field hockey team, the girls have kept in mind what they value as well as realize others may not be as fortunate as they are. The seniors have been dedicated to making a difference this holiday season as they have volunteered themselves to help out by cooking meals for Visions and Pathways.
Visions and Pathways is a county-based charity that works with homeless and at-risk teens. The youth that they help make it through difficult times with the help of a caring community. People like Field Hockey seniors are willing to contribute to their success by supporting them as best they can. With the help of its talented staff, they will be able to put the past behind and build a brighter future. Visions and Pathways have helped more than 8,000 youth and their families find their inner strength and peace of mind.
Every year, the Field Hockey team completes some form of community service in an effort to give back to the community. This year, the senior girls decided to cook meals for Visions and Pathways because they felt it would brighten the holiday season for the residents of the organization’s various centers.
In response to how the team’s efforts have made a personal impact on themselves, senior Alexa LaForgia said, “I have learned to be more appreciative of what I have and how good giving back to the community has made me feel.”
The other seniors, like LaForgia, have also expressed how they have been impacted by their volunteering. All of the girls are extremely grateful for an opportunity like this and have been more than happy to help out.