A Hybrid Snow Day was Just What the Doctor (Antunes) Ordered
Even the dogs of Hillsborough enjoyed the snow day!
December 22, 2020
With all the chaos this year has brought thus far, students and faculty at HHS were relieved to enjoy a traditional snow day. Days leading up to the first snow storm of the season were filled with angst as students anticipated a virtual school day. However, Wednesday evening, Superintendent Dr. Lisa Antunes announced that Thursday would be dedicated to spending time with family enjoying the snow.
Instead of logging on to Google Classroom early in the morning, Raiders were able to sleep in and get some well deserved rest. Students piled on their snow gear and got ready for an exciting day full of adventure.
After two boys from my neighborhood kindly shoveled my driveway in exchange for hot chocolate and some Christmas cash, I was on my way to get my morning coffee from Starbucks. During my commute, I passed by my neighbors sledding down the basin jogging back up the treacherous hill for another round. All along the way I saw neighbors helping each other with shoveling snow off driveways and sidewalks spreading some Christmas spirit.
Later in the day, my sister and I joined some of her friends who are home from college for a socially distant snowball fight. Once we got bundled up, we drove over to Colonial Park to meet up with friends. My sister and I stayed late into the evening sledding and launching snowballs like we used to years ago.
Needless to say, a traditional snow day was just what the Raiders needed for a sense of normalcy. The drastic changes students have endured this year have been far from easy, but the traditional snow day was a wonderful reward. Many can agree that it finally feels like the holidays with some snow on the ground.