Ruth Bader Ginsburg Honored With Statue in Brooklyn
Photo via wikimedia commons under creative commons license
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2016.
March 19, 2021
Earlier this week, the unveiling of a larger than life statue of political hero Ruth Bader Ginsburg took place in Brooklyn, NY. As a Brooklyn native, Ginsburg was honored for her incredible accomplishments in her hometown. The statue is seven feet tall and comes in at about 650 pounds and is completely made of bronze.
Two Australian artists, Gille and Marc, created the statue with Ginsburg’s approval before her battle with cancer took her life in September of 2020. While the statue is open to the public, reservations are required as a form of crowd control.
The statue features Ginsburg standing on two steps which illustrate her climb to reach the Supreme Court. Ginsburg became the second female representative on the US Supreme Court after President Bill Clinton appointed her in 1993. RBG went on to serve on the court for 27 years. City officials also commemorated their hometown hero by dedicating the Brooklyn Municipal Building, which headquarters several city offices, to her name. The building now stands as Justice Ginsburg Municipal Building.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio honored RBG’s memory in a speech at the opening ceremony for the statue. The hope for the statue is to serve as a reminder for all New Yorkers, present and future, to never stop fighting for equality and justice. De Blasio hopes all New Yorkers are inspired to stand up, speak out, and make the country a better place.