HHS Spring Art Show Showcases Talented Students

One of junior Helina Liivak’s AP Art pieces featured in the Spring Art Showcase.
June 11, 2021
This past week, the 2021 Spring Art Show was made accessible via web page to all HHS students. The exhibition was presented by the HHS Arts Department. Featuring outstanding works from hundreds of students, the exhibition showcases a variety of different and unique styles. From paintings to sculptures, films, and more, no part of the art field was left unrepresented. The multitude of different styles and pieces that were displayed are a testament to the committed teachings of the Art Department staff.
Many students see their art as an escape from the normal textbook work and other classwork. These classes allow students the opportunity to relieve stress and ease their minds while creating stunning pieces.
Art is an important part of everyone’s life and this art exhibition brings more beauty to HHS. Normally the art show would fill the halls of the school with sculptures, paintings, and photographs, however, the normal format of the art exhibit had to be altered. Thankfully, students are still able to observe their talented classmates’ work. School is fortunate to have. Such a well-developed art department is something that many high schools may not have access to.
Several students, who have their pieces showcased, have expressed how grateful they are for such an amazing art program. AP Art student, junior Helina Liivak, has several impressive pieces in the art show. “There are so many talented artists that help and inspire you along your creative process,” Liivak said when asked about why she enjoys being a part of the HHS Art Department.
Inspiring classmates seems to be a common theme amongst the students involved with the Art Department. Senior Jess Hermann, who is part of the Senior Showcase, talked very highly of her classmate senior Laura Soper. “I’m really impressed by Laura Soper’s painting ‘Gouache’, she did such a great job.”
Both Liivak and Hermann are just a couple of the many talented artists at HHS. If you have not already looked through the art showcase, you definitely should! You can visit the HHS Spring Art Showcase through this link: