The Martian is out of this world

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Actor Matt Damon stars in this nail biting thriller of his journey in Mars.

Ashley Gill, Editor-in-chief

Ridley Scott’s latest film, The Martian, follows one man’s quest to make it back to Earth after being stranded on Mars, and the result is truly “out of this world.”

The movie is based off of Andy Weir’s novel of the same title that gained critical acclaim. While the movie is not as good as the book, it still lives up to all expectations.

The film is centered around scientist Mark Watney (Matt Damon) who is sent to Mars for a research mission. However, Watney is quickly put in a perilous situation when a massive storm rocks Mars. Thinking he is killed in the storm, the rest of his crew leaves him behind to head back home.

Damon has given amazing performances in movies over the years such as Good Will Hunting and Saving Private Ryan. The Martian is another movie where Damon’s persona and talent gives the film an added bonus.

Considering Watney is the only man on Mars, the movie could have lagged in some scenes. However, Damon’s charisma and humor lighten the mood which ends up being one of the best parts of the movie.

Other standout performances are seen through supporting actors ranging from Kristen Wiig to Jeff Daniels. Ridley assembled a unique cast that brings the movie together as a whole. Wiig ditches her comedy origin for the more serious sci-fi part which is a pleasant surprise amidst all the action.

Science fiction films have been all the rage within the last few years; however, The Martian offers something new and refreshing. Critically acclaimed sci-fi films such as Interstellar and Gravity center on more serious undertones, but Ridley’s film includes Watney’s charm and humor to offer a breath of fresh air to the genre.

Also, the movie’s special effects and visuals are astounding. The way the “red planet” is shown looks highly realistic. During the storm that injures Watney and leaves him left for dead, the visuals are impeccable and create the necessary level of suspense.

Surprisingly, the only part of the movie that lags isn’t when Watney is alone with no human contact, but back on earth at NASA’s headquarters. It takes forever for the team to piece a plan together for Watney’s rescue, and at times it is hard to stay interested in their bickering.

Despite this, The Martian is an overall incredible film featuring standout performances and great storytelling. It wouldn’t be shocking if the film received numerous accolades during awards season for all the refreshing aspects within the movie.