Abiding Adventures is an atypical story exploring the aspects of cult life, getting used to meeting people when moving to diverse places, and the importance of relationships and how they shape life.
Student Author Tiana Kuo discovered her writing style and personality during the creation of her book. Passionate about poetry and word diction, Kuo’s interest in writing made communicating her story a more enjoyable experience. Throughout the circumstances mentioned in the book, Kuo survived being involved in a cult, avoided the influence of the cult’s skewed judgment, and overcame mental and physical health circumstances through the pandemic after moving. Kuo encountered manipulation in friendship and was faced with the possibility of a brain tumor during her lowest point. Yet, she learned all circumstances are only a matter of time, and everything changes in the world.
Kuo revisited google classroom and located poems she had received awards for in international writing competitions to further motivate herself in sharing her story with a larger audience. She wrote in different analogies so her readers could understand the severity of her struggles. This in-depth technique was essential in order to give every encounter she faced proper justice.
Kuo’s prior work gave her a reason to write. The influence of the cult and moving made an impact on her mental and physical health, and writing has helped her overcome those negative emotions. Through writing, she can imagine readers understanding her perspective. Kuo began to write as a way to release her stresses onto a document. She realized she could alter her emotions into an appreciable and acknowledged work. “As my writing improved, I found my world opened to more writing topics. I found passion, such as identity, life curiosities, and specific imagery; my writing progression led me to a more strengthening state of mind,” Kuo said.
Since “Abiding Adventures” is chronologically based, Kuo needed to recall everything that had happened in her life thus far and choose the right moments to make the book flow effortlessly from scene to scene. Kuo worked with her editor, English teacher Alysia Puma, and together they connected different ideas to create a more striking tale.
“I did have setbacks when deciding what should be included in the book and also when trying to remember parts I may have accidentally left out,” Kuo said. “But everyone has a voice they should take advantage of because of the different ideas and backgrounds they have which is important to express to the world.”

(published under fair use)
Senior Tiana Kuo’s cover for her memoir “Abiding Adventures” features a tree with stars and a bird flying overhead. Kuo said, “Since birds are my favorite animals and signify freedom of my circumstances, I decided to incorporate the symbol on my cover. The tree portrays Grandpa Tree, a childhood tree I named with my father; the symbol of a tree also demonstrates my significant character development from childhood and beyond, as I learned to navigate under unexpected conditions. Lastly, the stars simply convey a sense of peacefulness which I always desire no matter where I go.”
Kuo balanced school and writing by allowing herself to relax and appreciate the point of view she would be conveying to the public. She focused on how her opinions could reach other people and encourage them to hear her side of the story to discover themselves as well.
“I took a lot of breaks and had spontaneous writing periods to limit feeling overwhelmed and to overall think about the different ideas that would be going into this more deeply,” Kuo said.
Abiding Adventures, published by Tiana Kuo on October 19th, 2024, is available for $9.79 on Amazon and to borrow through the Somerset County Library System.