The ladies of the library

Librarians Connie Swanzer, left, and Lisa Olszewski, right, can actually make research papers enjoyable.
December 1, 2015
Many of us have offered lame excuses to explain why we came up short on due dates. Raise your hand if you ever offered, “our printer wasn’t working last night.” Unfortunately, ninety-nine percent of the time your teacher sends you to the library to go print out your paper, of course!
The two women behind the scenes at our library are often not recognized nearly as much as they should be. Librarians Lisa Olszewski and Connie Swanzer are the two who keep our library running, up-to-date, and functioning.
Every school day at 7:00 a.m. you can find Swanzer opening up our library to any student who needs some time in the library whether it’s to print out a paper, study in a quiet area, or finish up some homework.
“No day is ever the same,” Swanzer said. “ It’s the nicest place to work. I love books, working with students, and my fellow staff members.”
Swanzer has been working at HHS for 11 years now, and loves her job as much as she did on her first day as our school’s librarian.
While Swanzer has been at HHS for 11 years, Olszewski is in her second year.
“I love it here,” Olszewski said. “I love promoting reading!”
Our librarians share their passion and love for their jobs, and encourage students to take the library service elective, where students are shown the basics of what being a librarian is.
On the average day, our librarians are assisting students every chance they get. Classes come into the library to do research, and Olszewski and Swanzer are the one’s who instruct students on how to do so.
On slower days, our librarians use this time to work on research guides for upcoming classes, put together book orders, and make sure the entire library is organized correctly.
“Working with Olszewski and Swanzer in library services has been a great experience,” senior Kate Handel said. “They have taught me so much, and they are both a pleasure to be around.”