Finding the right senior quote

Ryan Gill, Staff writer

Tradition is a staple of senior year. Prom weekend, assassins, graduation, even the raunchy scavenger hunt; these are all annual events for the senior class. While the memories made from those will last in the minds of students for the rest of their lives, there is no tradition that will resonate longer than the senior quote.

The senior quote is a small, 160 character phrase or message that is displayed under the fancy Milan Rose photo in the yearbook. The quote is a three part piece complete with a personal statement, extracurricular accomplishments, and quote. This is a very creative opportunity for seniors to capture and reveal their personalities in print and to express what matters in their lives.

For the personal statement, a popular route that tons of students take every year is writing about family. For most, family is an extremely important aspect of life, and showing some family love and recognition is a tasteful approach and a nod to loved ones for the heavy price they’ve paid over the years.

Regarding her quote, senior Breanna Jeney said, “I’m saying something nice about my family because they have helped me all throughout high school.”

In addition to providing a nod family, students often give a “shout out” to their lifelong friends. I, for example, am giving a shout out to my best friends Mike, Kris, Nick, and Matt. They have done so much for me in my time here that they deserve all the praise they can get.

Also, friends sometimes come together and combine their quotes. This could be anything from cutting a quote into two or having one friend answering the question of another. It is a brilliant idea and one that if executed correctly, can be very memorable.

For example, I remember last year two friends combined to put a Spongebob quote together. The first friend who showed up in the yearbook put,”Is mayonnaise an instrument?” and the second put “No Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument.”

Another approach is to be funny. This is usually set aside for the class clowns of the school who take it as a final, parting joke. The ones who write funny phrases in their quotes are the ones who have had people crying from laughter throughout high school.

Our seniors are currently picking out their quotes, and are trying to find the perfect one. Quotes are due this Friday, so seniors still have time to make it exquisite. Going through their yearbook in twenty years when high school is a distant memory, hopefully many will be glad they have the quotes to remember what it was like to be eighteen, on the cusp of adulthood.