Three funny dudes

Senior Kyle Hurley (top), junior Jordan Kang (middle), and senior Mike Grabon (bottom) are three of the funniest Raiders in town. Consider yourself lucky to have class with them.
December 9, 2015
When sitting in class and watching the minutes slowly tick by, sometimes you need a little pick-me-up. Nothing is better than having class with a funny peer to make those 48 minutes go by a little faster.
Jerry Seinfeld once said,”The Four Levels of Comedy: Make your friends laugh, make strangers laugh, get paid- to make strangers laugh, and make people talk like you because it’s so much fun.”
And while they may not be getting paid, three students in our school hold somewhat of a reputation for being “comedic geniuses,” as they are bound to make just about anyone laugh.
Senior Mike Grabon has made a name for himself as he embarks on his final year in high school through leading the chants at sporting events to being readily available with a witty joke.
“My favorite thing is when I make someone laugh, and I laugh because they’re laughing. Great ab workout,” Grabon said.
He attributes a lot of his material to trends seen on social media, as he is a user of mainstream apps such as Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram.
Despite his presence on social media, Grabon’s favorite outlet for making people laugh is slightly more old-fashioned: in person. According to him, there is nothing better than seeing someone’s reaction, face to face.
When Grabon isn’t spending his time at school or hanging out with friends, he enjoys taking part in more theatrical activities.
“I like to fill my bathtub up with marinara sauce and pretend I’m just one big noodle,” Grabon said.
Fellow senior Kyle Hurley is also known for being a comedian among his senior classmates. He was even recognized as “comedic genius” in the 2015-16 Senior Superlatives.
As opposed to social media, Hurley credits his friends for being some of his biggest comedic inspirations. However, he likes to make adults laugh at his jokes the most.
“Seeing adults laugh is a sign that my humor isn’t just immature,” Hurley said. “Just like with women, the older the better.”
Like many people, their individual sense of humor is influenced by their favorite comedic shows and films. Hurley is no different as he identifies Monty Python and the Holy Grail as his favorite movie, SpongeBob Squarepants is his favorite television show, and none other than March of the Penguins as his favorite documentary.
“You already know most of the penguins are doomed, but they just keep trying,” Hurley said.
Junior Jordan Kang has already become the early front-runner for the title of “comedic genius” in his class. And what makes this possible?
Most can probably identify Kang from his social media presence or maybe even “the guy who dressed up as Princess Leia for Halloween,” but wherever you recognize him from he is guaranteed to serve you endless laughs.
While comedy has helped him make a name for himself, it has also helped Kang in other aspects of his life.
“My jokes have made me somewhat of a ladies man,” Kang said. “They just can’t get enough.”
Similar to Hurley, Kang also enjoys watching comedies to fuel his unique sense of humor.
“My favorite comedy would have to be Spider-Man 3,” Kang said. “But only because of Tobey Maguire.”
Whether you see them in person or follow them on social media, there is no doubt that you should be on the lookout for our school’s very own comedy trifecta.