Winter Arts Festival reveals there is no shortage of talented artists at HHS

Senior Emma Swider’s “Lose Your Marbles” was one of many standout pieces of art on display at the Winter Arts Festival. Swider completed her piece in Lynn Mound’s painting class.
January 13, 2016
The art department staged its annual Winter Arts Festival earlier this month in an effort to showcase the amazing work from students in all grades.
When most people think of an “Art Festival”, they often think of displays of artwork being portrayed on walls, and nothing more. However, the art department goes a step further, including the arts of film, and sculpture and ceramics. The variety given exemplifies all aspects of art, so any art fanatic can appreciate the show.
Artwork from the talented students enrolled in art classes were put up on display for all students to see, inviting all to admire the work.
“I would like to see all students in the school visit the art show,” art teacher Faith Wright said. “I encourage all of my classes to come.”
High school art teachers James Arndt, Michael Bober, Veronique de Groot, Patricia Morchel, Lynn Mound, and Faith Wight all play important roles to coordinate a successful art show.
“My favorite part about the art festival is seeing all of the artwork from our super talented students at this school,” de Groot said. “We have some really great work on display from various classes such as cartooning, sculpture, photography, video, painting and drawing. Each of the pieces from these classes are all so different and interesting.”
Junior Lizzie Kuhn participated in the Art Festival, as she took sculptures and ceramics this semester.
“All of the artwork was so impressive,” Kuhn said. “It was fun to compare my work with my peers. It’s really cool to see how talented my classmates are.”