Obama’s final State of the Union addresses major issues
Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/TNS with permission
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers his final State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016.
January 15, 2016
On Tuesday, Jan. 12, during his seventh and final State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama spoke to the the members of Congress and numerous other politicians about both the progress the country has made over the course of the last year, and the plans that are being made for the next five or maybe even ten years.
President Obama started his speech by discussing issues that, in his opinion, must be taken care of immediately. These issues include the reform of the criminal justice system, helping those with mental illnesses and those who are addicted to drugs, fixing a broken immigration system, protecting Americans from gun violence, raising the price of minimum wage, and providing paid leave and equal pay for women in the workforce.
Obama also mentioned all of the things that he was able to accomplish during not only this past year, but during his two terms in office as a whole. Reforming health care and bringing the United States out of the economic recession of 2007 were the tip of the iceberg.
During Obama’s presidency, gay marriage was legalized throughout the entire country, 14 million new jobs were created, unemployment was cut in half, and the country’s deficits were decreased by 75 percent. President Obama posed a number of questions to his audience meant to stimulate progress in our country.
He asked how we as a country could help everyone have a fair shot for economic equality, how technology can be used to solve issues like climate change, and most importantly, how the politics of this country and be used to reflect its people.
Obama also discussed plans to reduce the cost of college tuition so that education can be available and affordable for all Americans. He also discussed the importance of strengthening social security and medicare.
He also declared, “Let’s make America the country that cures cancer once and for all,” and put Vice President Joe Biden in charge of controlling the mission to end the disease and save millions.
President Obama took time during his speech to address the use of clean energy that is currently in use in America. Throughout the country, wind power is becoming much cheaper and Americans are saving tens of millions of dollars by using solar panels. Additionally, imports of foreign oil have decreased by 60 percent and carbon pollution in the United States has been cut more than it has in any other country.
The president criticized the bigotry that exists in our nation and pointed out that racism and discrimination based on factors such as religion and sexual orientation is not how progress is made.
Obama continued to reiterate the fact that the U.S. is the most powerful nation in the world, with the strongest economy. He pointed out that we spend more money on our military than the next eight countries combined and are always ready to help out allied nations.
Finally, Obama addressed the issue of terrorism and the threat imposed on the nation. He mentioned that the leadership of ISIL and its training camps and oil are being taken out. Terrorists, according to Obama must be hunted and destroyed. He believes that if Congress is truly serious in eliminating the terrorist threat to America and the world, then it must authorize a military force against ISIL.
He ended his final State of the Union Address by stating, “I believe in change because I believe in you, the American people.”