Junior Prom is practically here
From left to right: Jay Raje, Carter Altman, Jordan Kang, Danny Kozimbo, Ashley Gill, Thomas Pennacchio, Anand Patel, Viv Honwad, and Liam Jurkowich display the Star Wars theme prom proposal. May the force be with you on prom night.
March 7, 2016
As Mar. 11 approaches so does the hectic atmosphere around HHS. Junior Prom is fast approaching and many of the juniors find it difficult to contain their enthusiasm.
“I am so excited for my first prom,” junior Nicole Girardi said. “It’s a lot of planning,but I feel it will be worth it in the end.”
What goes into prom planning and who is in charge?
Well most of the time, the women are in charge.
“They just take over and I am completely fine with that,” junior Nick Palmer said.
But what needs to be done before the big day?
First, a date. There are hundreds of creative ways to ask someone to prom so make it exciting and unforgettable. Once you find a date then it’s time to plan color schemes for your dress/tux.
Then, it is important to get all of the paperwork and money in on time. Although the money and tickets are important, many view planning such as where to go beforehand and how to get there just as more important.
Anyone attending prom has to first plan where they are taking the classic prom pictures. Of course, parents want to take pictures of their child dressed up and this requires some coordination between parents as well.
Then, you must consider how to get to the prom. You can either arrive in style, such as in a limo, or, you can save your money and take a car. The choice is yours.
Once you arrive at prom, you will be greeted with additional photo opportunities. You will see all of your friends in elegant dresses and stunning tuxes and will want to take pictures with practically everyone you know. Go ahead, you will only be a junior once.
As the night goes on, this is where the fun begins. Everyone is dancing, eating, and enjoying their first prom.
“Junior prom was a lot of fun and I hope the juniors this year enjoy it as well,” senior David Ely said.