Meet Instructional Assistant Karen Stollery
Instructional assistant Karen Stollery is one of the school’s true unsung heroes.
February 26, 2016
Here at Hillsborough High School, there are numerous teachers and staff members who excel at what they do. Whether it be teaching history or math or English or working behind the scenes in maintenance to ensure everyone’s safety, there is no denying that Hillsborough is staffed with amazing people.
One staff member in particular, however, does not get the recognition that she deserves. Karen Stollery has been an Instructional Assistant here at the high school for the last eight years. It is her job to support the teachers and the students in the classroom. Occasionally, she works as a classroom aide, helping teachers if and when they need it, or as a personal assistant working with an individual student. Stollery excels at working with students and helping them with issues. She is also certified in C-Print, which is a software program used to assist deaf students.
“I did a 60-hour training in C-Print three summers ago,” Stollery said. “My job is to type out a transcript of the class as it is happening. I try to capture as much of the spoken word in the class as I can, including student comments and discussion. This is to give the deaf student access to what is going on in the classroom that he/she might otherwise miss.”
Stollery loves what she does and enjoys working with everyone in the high school.
“I find the energy and creativity of Hillsborough teenagers to be inspiring,” Stollery said. “I love watching the students here actively participate in their own learning.”
Stollery also stated that she would not change anything about her job. It’s the students and the overall environment of Hillsborough that makes her feel comfortable and welcome.
While here at the high school, Stollery has taken on difficult tasks and while doing so, has touched the hearts of many students and teachers. It is her excellent work and big heart that earn her respect.
“This is hands down my favorite population of students,” Stollery said. “They make me laugh every day and I can’t imagine not having the opportunity to interact with them.”