“Deadpool” is a Marvel dud
“Deadpool” landed in theaters Feb. 12.
February 18, 2016
Movie giant Marvel Studios, in association with Walt Disney Pictures, is back with Deadpool, a new story which steers clear of the typical hero saves the day type of story. The movie Deadpool, revolves around anti-hero Wade
Wilson, also known as Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) as he is transformed from a mercenary to a man on a mission to get his life back after the “British villain” (Ed Skrein) nearly destroys it by experimenting on him and alienating him from the one he truly loves (Morena Baccarin).
The Rhett Reese-Paul Wernick plot is very unconventional compared to most Marvel films as a result of its back-and-forth narrative, alternating between telling the story of Wade Wilson’s transition to Deadpool and the current state of the character at hand. This writing team also put a dent into the Marvel brand as a whole by pushing the envelope a bit too far with their extremely vulgar humor. As a result, the film is more low-brow comedy than superhero drama. The dialogue presented in the movie is simply not suitable for mainstream Marvel fans as the film itself is rated R.
Director Tim Miller also added to this vulgarity by displaying graphic images, many of which were simply obscene. Despite being frowned upon by most writers and filmmakers, Miller did help create an authentic character by breaking the fourth wall. Miller’s move was actually the smart move on his part. In the original comic book series in which the motion picture is based, Deadpool does this frequently and the film handled this well.
Overall, Deadpool could besmirch the Marvel name as the brand is supposed to be “family-friendly” and this film is certainly not suitable for viewers of all ages. Even though, in the past, the Disney owned company has come close to crossing the line, they never quite did it in the way it does with Deadpool. In the past, Disney always managed to produce movies that delivered its product in a tasteful manner. Let’s just hope this latest film is a blip on the radar and not a sign of things to come.