College Fair attracts eager Raiders
photo courtesy of Wikimedia, with permission
The College of New Jersey’s Green Hall is a landmark piece of architecture at one of the area’s top ranked schools. TCNJ was one of 130 schools at last month’s college fair.
April 5, 2016
As the school year continues to progress, juniors look ahead to their senior year, and one topic is all anyone can talk about: college. To help with the ongoing stress college can cause, HHS hosted a college fair on Mar 30. This event allowed students a unique opportunity to acquaint themselves with colleges without stepping foot on the actual campus. Due to distance or cost, sometimes college visits are unrealistic for certain students. Therefore, the college fair is an easy and effective way for students to consider their college destination.
This year, about 130 schools from all over the country attended. Underclassmen flooded the gym, making their way from table to table. A representative from each university was readily available to relay information to students and parents.
“Students were able to ask questions and learn about admissions requirements, academics, sports, clubs and organizations or anything else they may have wanted to know about the school,” guidance counselor Laura Houssel said.
Some students found the fair to be slightly overwhelming, given the fact that hundreds of people were crammed into the gym with the hopes of talking to all the desired representatives.
“I felt like I was fighting through the crowds just to speak with the college rep for only a few minutes,” junior Chris Haber said. “For me, the college fair was more stressful than helpful.”
Despite heightened levels of stress for some, others found the night to provide deep insight into their future.
“I really liked just walking through the gym and getting an idea of the things I’m looking for in a college,” junior Dakota Seidel said. “I was able to speak with all the colleges I was interested in, and now I definitely have more insight about my future in regards to college.”
Due to the mostly positive feedback, it is safe to say that the college fair was a success, as students and parents are now able to begin the process of choosing the right college.