Guidance counselors: where would we be without them?
Guidance counselor Ian Progin working with one of his students, junior Lisa Myers.
May 6, 2016
Every high school student goes through his or her own journey as he or she grows into a young adult, finds the pathway to their future, and experiences some of the (hopefully) best years of their lives. Luckily, our high school has a team of amazing experts designed to help guide each individual student through his or her journey of high school.
Guidance counselors Laura Houssell, Kaitlyn Adams, Tobi Kozak, Christina Costa, Beth Moran, Karen Sare, Ian Progin, Robin Kenny, Melissa Griffin, and Brian Yarasheski are a team designed to ensure the success of all Hillsborough High School students. College and Career Counselor Shari Chappell, Secretaries Sherry Brucia and Suzanne Kreisworth, along with Student Assistant Counselors Gil Pilarte and Rebecca Balaguer complete the team.
“When you guys get excited about something, WE get excited too,” Griffin said. “We love seeing you figure out your dreams, and when they become a reality or better yet when you COME BACK and tell us- we love that too!”
Griffin expressed that the most important aspect of being a successful guidance counselor is communication with her students. Whether a student needs her only a few times throughout the year for simple questions, or more often for deeper issues, Griffin stresses that her door is always open. HHS is lucky to have such a supportive group of adults who focus solely on their students.
Moran’s passion of working with young people is what inspires her to be the most supportive guidance counselor possible. She urges her students to know that her door is always open to talk about anything from school, to personal issues. Guidance counselors are well aware of the struggles that students go through everyday, which is why they are so helpful and supportive.
“My guidance counselor, Mrs. Houssell, takes full interest in my future academics and strives to meet my needs and concerns every meeting,” junior Danielle Brazer said. “I usually walk out of her office very satisfied and relaxed.”
The main goal of every guidance counselor is to make their students feel safe, important, and confident. Houssell is surely not the only counselor who is successful in making her students feel this way.
“My guidance counselor, Mr. Yarasheski, extends his full attention toward me when I go to him with problems,” sophomore Ryan Wheaton said. “He helps me figure out reasonable resolutions to my problems.”
Not only are our counselors meant to guide us through our years of high school, but also through the territory beyond high school. Chappell’s main job is to guide students through the pre-college process, making them aware of all possibilities.
“I coordinate all of the college visits (about 120 information sessions) at HHS as well as the annual College Fair,” Chappell said. “I meet with juniors and seniors individually to discuss the college application process and their college choices. I love meeting with students to discuss their future goals and help them research colleges and careers that they are interested in.”
Senior Morgan Vandoren is more than grateful for all that Chappell has done for her.
“Chappell was the main reason I got my internship at Carrier Clinic,” Vandoren said. “Without her, I wouldn’t have met the people I have, nor have had the amazing experiences I have been through.”
Every guidance counselor in our school is greatly appreciated by all students and staff for all of their dedication towards their students and coworkers.