Boys cross country runs into the 2016 season

by May Keller, with permission

Senior Jeremy Shipley is expected to be one of the team’s top runners this season.

Liz Reilly, Staff Writer

Boys cross country is looking to leave the starting line this year just as strong as they left off last season. With last year’s seniors Brandon Tubby and Austin Raymond leading the Raiders to victory at the Somerset County Championships, and to a fifth place spot at Sectionals, it is going to be tough for the Raiders to continue that success. However, despite the loss of Tubby and Raymond, cross country coach Eric Rosenthal is hopeful this year’s team will get the job done.

“I am very confident that we will succeed this season,” Rosenthal said. “We do not have one guy who will be a significant time ahead of the rest our team. This means our team runs in a pack, all close in time, so some guys are going to have to step up and perform roles they are not used to.”

Seniors Jeremy Shipley and Mitchel Baron are expected to step up and lead the team this season. Both runners have played a role on the team in the past, but will have to rise to the occasion this season to ensure success for Hillsborough.

“We have a top group of boys who will strive to work our hardest so we achieve all of our goals this year,” Baron said. “I can’t wait to see us work as a team to win the county title, and then hopefully reach the Meet of Champions.”

Joining the veteran runners is sophomore Ryan Mitchell, who will also play a large role in this year’s season, along with seasons to follow.  Shipley, Baron, and Mitchell will assist the team in advancing the Raiders to as far as possible.

“Our biggest rivalry is definitely Montgomery,” Shipley said. “We are very close with their team but when it comes down to it, we beat them in counties last year and this year they want revenge. The difference between our teams is that Montgomery focuses on getting the title of ‘county champs’ while Boro does their best and whatever outcome we get, we deserve.”

Before the boys reach this point in the season they will run various qualifying meets, including the first large 5K run for the boys, the Shore Coaches Invitational in early October. 
That being said, Hillsborough has been nothing short of successful and this season looks to be no different.