School wide summer reading assignment provides choice for students

Looking for Alaska by John Green was one of the most popular choices among students for this years school wide summer reading assignment.
September 21, 2016
The school wide summer reading assignment experienced a big change this summer, providing students with the opportunity to read one of three books.
Students had the option of deciding between three popular books: Looking for Alaska by John Green, Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, and Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.
Last summer’s summer reading assignment received criticism from students, who were disappointed in only having one book for the school wide assignment. Luckily for students this summer, the English Department took the student opinions seriously, and made the drastic changes.
“Last February a survey was sent out to all the teachers and students of HHS,” Language Arts Supervisor Sheila Cooper said. “Participants were asked to answer whether they wanted one title or a choice.”
With the majority of students preferring a choice of reading options, a list was gathered of possible books. Cooper said that the list was narrowed down to the three books eventually chosen, and that the process included taking into account a variety of factors, including reading level.
Of the books read by students, Looking for Alaska was overwhelmingly the most popular choice.
As for the future, no decisions have been made on the school wide assignment.
“Recycling titles from past years has not been ruled out, but no decisions for next summer have been made as of yet,” Cooper said.