Fulfill your civic duty and vote
courtesy of nj.gov, with permission
While the deadline to register has passed, here is the NJ registration form for younger students to get a head start on registering to vote.
October 24, 2016
In a nation founded upon the principle of democracy, voting is one of the most important duties of the citizens. While voting is not a requirement, every citizen should vote no matter their political beliefs or affiliations.
The current election has ignited widespread controversy all throughout the country. People are split between the candidates, sparking a deep divide in the field of politics. As a result, a lot of people feel that to vote in this election would be a waste as the decision between candidates is too difficult.
A vote for a candidate is really a vote for your beliefs. Gun control, abortion, gender equality, police brutality, taxes, and immigration are all examples of hot button issues that matter. If you have a strong opinion on any of the aforementioned topics, then your vote counts! The politician you vote for can make all the difference in allowing your voice and opinion to be heard.
Even if you don’t feel comfortable voting for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, voting for a third party can make a difference. Jill Stein, Green party candidate, and Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate, have already made an impact this election. Both have garnered heightened attention, and voting for either can affect their future political influence.
Voting is a right that thousands of people desperately fought for. Many citizens take the right to vote for granted, but it really is a privilege to have such a right. Certain demographics like women, Hispanics, and African-Americans have faced obstacles when it comes to voting. Poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses were all methods of preventing minorities from voting. Today, we are lucky enough to live in a country where every citizen possesses the right to vote. In order to honor those who fought valiantly for the right to vote, every citizen must exercise this right.
If you don’t vote you can’t complain. Participating in the political system gives you the integrity to feel however you may because at least you did something to enact your beliefs within the government.
Even though I’m young and haven’t experienced the “real world” yet, I know that every citizen’s opinion matters and every single vote counts. So I encourage everyone to get out on Nov 8 and cast your vote!