Girls’ volleyball wraps up the 2016 season

Senior Marisa Mazuera positions herself to block an opponent’s shot. Mazuera and her teammates made history with a county title.
November 15, 2016
Girls volleyball started off the 2016 season by making history, and have ended it the same way. With a 16-8 record, the team has wrapped up the season with pride.
Possibly the biggest win of the season occurred on Oct. 27, when the girls won back to back games against Ridge and Watchung Hills, winning the county championship. Senior Marisa Mazuera, who has recently come to the end of her four-year high school volleyball career, says the excitement after the win was unlike anything she had ever experienced.
“It was so amazing and overwhelming,” Mazuera said. “It was the most rewarding feeling to finally achieve what the program has been striving for since it started.”
The underclassmen on the team are equally excited about the historic win, but are thrilled to have the opportunity to move even further next year.
“I’m looking forward to stepping up as a leader for the team and being able to work with new people,” junior Jillian Boose said. “It’s going to be a very different team, but I’m confident that we are going to be able to win counties again next year.”
The team’s final game was a state match against Randolph, and although the game resulted in a loss for Hillsborough, it was the farthest the program had progressed in years.
Looking back on the season, the entire team agrees that the one thing the team did best was working together cooperatively. By the last game, they had become one working unit and had bonded as friends.
Senior Izzy Gonzalez says the one thing she is going to miss most is the chemistry that all of the girls shared; throughout the course of the season they have become a family.
The team also has their Boro Superfans to thank; each game had a crowd of proud students cheering the girls to victory. Senior Jordan Williams believes it was the support of the fans that allowed the team to play as well as they did.
“It was so exciting to have them there,” Williams said. “They gave us all a bunch of energy to play our best.”
Although the team is losing their seniors, the underclassmen have a lot to look forward to in the seasons to come. Freshman Morgan Krempasky has high hopes for her next three years in the program.
“I am looking forward to continuing the legacy that the upperclassmen are leaving behind,” Krempasky said. “I hope we can make them proud when they come back and visit.”