Giraffes silently make there way onto the endangered watchlist
by Balaji, via WikiMedia with permission
Giraffes at Al Ain Zoo.
January 6, 2017
The tallest land animal in the world, with its long neck and graceful stride, are apparently threatened by extinction. It’s hard to imagine a world without one of the most iconic animals, yet it seems that it could be not too far from happening. That’s right, giraffes have silently crept onto the extinction watch list.
The world’s population of giraffes has plummeted around 40% over the last 30 years according to a conservation advocacy group. Reasons for this decrease includes habitat loss, civil unrest, and illegal hunting.
Additionally, giraffes are often overlooked in favor of species like elephants in regards to helping them. However, there are actually four times more elephants on the planet than there are giraffes, causing some conservationists to describe what’s happening to giraffes as a ‘silent extinction.’
Giraffes are no longer found in seven African countries and are most at risk in the continent’s central and eastern regions. While zoos can help with the protection of endangered species, everything still must be done to help save the gentle giants in the wild. Giraffes play an important role in the ecosystem. Being able to see far and give fore warnings to other animals in terms of predators coming is just one way giraffes contribute.
Recognizing the fact that giraffes are endangered could be the first step to obtaining protection, however, it is ultimately up to humans to actually act. Illegal hunting of these animals must stop, and conservation of their habitat must occur to enable future generations to even know what giraffes are in the future. Spread the word, save the giraffes!