Pilarte named Educational Services Professional of the Year

by Jennifer Klein

From left to right, junior Damien Filoramo and sophomore Amanda Dinsmore talk with Student Assistance Counselor Gil Pilarte. Pilarte was recently named Educational Services Professional of the year.

Jennifer Klein, Editor-in-chief

High school is a place where one is able to begin to find their true self, and for many, this is not an easy task to take on alone.  Luckily, our beloved HHS has a large staff full of adults who are more than willing to help guide students through any struggle. Perhaps none more so than Student Assistance Counselor Gil Pilarte.

Pilarte was recently named the Educational Services Professional of the year.  Many years ago Pilarte received the Citizen Service Achievement award in 1998, so he is beyond excited for this year’s recognition.

“When Mr. Pilarte and I are together, we laugh the entire time. He is so much fun to work with,” art teacher Michael Bober said.  “Also, he helps so many students (and staff members, like me!) with their problems on a daily basis.”

Since 2006, Pilarte has assisted hundreds of students through personal appointments, group sessions, and more.  Prior to working in Hillsborough, Pilarte worked at Carteret for two years, and before Carteret he worked in Plainfield for 14 years.

“Kids are my favorite part of the job,” Pilarte said.  “They’re mine.  Good, bad, or indifferent. That just means we work things through.”

Pilarte expressed his passion for guiding students through any struggle they may be going through.  Pilarte covers nearly all topics, generally the social aspect of high school. Dealing with relationships, anxiety, depression, drugs and alcohol are a big factor with his students. Pilarte takes appointments for individual counseling, he runs groups, and goes into classes.  Mostly dealing with the social aspect of high school, Pilarte talks about all topics with students.

“It’s when someone gets it.  When they have their ah-ha moment.  When they graduate when they didn’t think they were going to.  When they come back to visit and they’re doing really great,” Pilarte said. “That’s what it’s all about.”

Outside of school, Pilarte helps run Peer Mentoring, he is the adviser of Sources of Strength, and is a part time therapist in a practice.  Pilarte devotes everyday to assisting others in need, and has guided hundreds of students through their high school years.

One thing is for sure, if you are ever dealing with any kind of hardship, Pilarte is the man to see.  He stresses any student who feels they need somebody to talk to, to take action and get the help needed.