Boys basketball off to 4-4 start
by Tom Cahill, with permission
Juniors Ryan MCaffrey, Jackson Parham, and Justin Brown helped the Raiders earn a well-deserved win over Bishop Ahr.
January 10, 2017
Boys basketball is off to a great start this season, already claiming a 4-4 record. Upon losing Sam Wakai, Kyle Jeney, and Jimmy Suseck last year due to graduation, players Steven Rudd, Jackson Parham, Tim Yost and Saddiq Atkins had to step up and assume their roles as leaders on the team. After already defeating teams such as Bridgewater, Franklin, Bishop Ahr, and Ridge, the boys are ready to take on upcoming competition Gill St. Bernards on Tuesday, Jan. 10 at 7:00 p.m. The team works hard every day and were quoted as having a “great work ethic” by head coach John Parham.
“This year’s team goals are to play hard, have a winning record,win the league, have fun and to get better each and every day” Parham said.
The strength that sets this team apart from other teams is its depth. Many players are flexible enough to play multiple positions, leaving almost ten players that could play at any time. This diversity has allowed the team to earn a 3-1 division record.
Juniors Jackson Parham and Matt Moore, along with senior Steven Rudd, have been leading the team in points, while junior Tim Yost has been leading the team’s offensive system as returning point guard.
In the team’s nail biter against Ridge, Parham and Moore each scored 10 points. Against Franklin, the Raiders broke away from the 23-22 score at halftime to win the game via a successful 18-12 third quarter. Rudd led the team with 10 points to ensure a victory for Boro.
“As a team we are coming together and competing against some of the top teams in our conference and earning quality wins against good teams such as Bridgewater,” Rudd said.
Rudd led the team to the victory over Bridgewater, scoring 16 points. Matt Moore also had 16 points, with Justin Brown and Jackson Parham adding 4 points each to ensure the victory. The Raiders have proved their work ethic so far this season, and will continue to succeed throughout the year. Come support the boys tonight at 7:00 p.m. when they take on Gil St. Bernards.