2016: Not as bad as you think

by Steve Jurvetson via Wikimedia Commons, with permission

Lin-Manuel Miranda in the title role of his musical, “Hamilton.”

Courtney Nielsen, Staff writer

Logging onto any social media platform results in the bombardment of messages about how horrible 2016 was, but are these jokes warranted? The past year may have been full of disappointment for many, but the good things that happened in 2016 shouldn’t be overlooked.

Overall, the world had a year full of milestones in medicine, entertainment, and the environment.

Medical research reached new heights, including chemotherapy breakthroughs that increased survival rates for pancreatic cancer patients, and Liberia has been cleared of malaria, marking the end of the disease in West Africa. Also, thanks to the ice bucket challenge that went viral in 2015, the gene responsible for ALS was found this year, bringing researchers even closer to an effective treatment.

Although the entertainment industry lost many of its most beloved heroes, including Carrie Fisher, David Bowie, and Prince, 2016 welcomed a new era of production. April 1 marked the opening of Hamilton, which revolutionized Broadway. The Pulitzer Prize winning show became a national phenomenon, bringing people together through hip hop and American history.

Later on in the year came the summer Olympics, taking place in Rio de Janeiro‎, Brazil. The athletes of the United States made their country proud, coming home with 47 gold medals, 37 silver medals, and 39 bronze medals. The U.S. is also now home to the most decorated Olympian of all time; swimmer Michael Phelps with a total of 28 medals.

Despite the gradual decline in the quality of the environment over the past decade, 2016 was a year of environmental advancement. According to National Geographic, certain species of endangered animals have begun a slight comeback- the numbers of wildlife including tigers and Yellowstone grizzly bears have increased for the first time in years. Additionally, Seaworld promised to stop breeding captive killer whales, halting the cruel pattern they once made of imprisoning a struggling species.

Before jumping onto the “terrible 2016” bandwagon, make sure to reflect on the positive and look back on the year with the glass half full.