World Language Honor Society holds 2017 inductions
The centerpiece of candles at the World Languages Induction ceremony. Each candle represents a different language offered at HHS.
January 30, 2017
On Thursday Jan. 12, the induction ceremony occurred for the World Language Honor Societies. The ceremony included current members, along with this year’s new inductees.
In order to gain acceptance into the organizations, students needed to achieve excellence not only in their respective language, but in their other classes as well.
“I believe that students should feel honored to be in the program, because it is not an easy accomplishment to get, and stay in the organization,” Italian Honor Society adviser Natalia Wika said. “Most students nowadays balance schoolwork, jobs, sports, and other extracurricular activities; and all of these other accomplishments take time away from studying, yet the members of the language honor societies continue to maintain their academic excellence.”
The evening began with a procession, in which students entered a packed auditorium. This was followed by a greeting from World Languages Supervisor, Enrique Pincay.
“The ceremony went well,” Pincay said after the event. “It was a great night for all. Students had the opportunity to be recognized for their hard work, and parents and teachers the opportunity to share in this celebration.”
After Pincay delivered some remarks, each language continued by proceeding with their induction ceremony. French, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish, in that order, inducted new members to their Honor Societies. Each language had their advisers deliver brief remarks, followed by student officers. Then, the candle lighting ceremony ensued, where a pledge was given in the respective language, and concluded with the blowing out of the candles.
Junior Michael Atlas, who was inducted into the Latin Honor Society, was very happy with how the night went.
“I was so happy to spend the night with my fellow peers, acknowledging all of our hard work,” Atlas said.
“All of the officers of each of the organizations spoke beautifully,” Wika said.
Now, members of World Language Honor Societies will be tasked with commitments to their specific organizations.
According to Latin Honor Society adviser Ralph Smith, Latin students will have a variety of commitments.
“Latin activities include tutoring, volunteer service, National Latin Exam prep contest, promoting the Latin program to middle school students, and an end of year festival,” Smith said.
Once again, congratulations to all students who are a part of the World Language Honor Societies.