Feminism is not a dirty word

courtesy of Addie Schmitt

New Jersey teenager Addie Schmitt of Ridge High School participated in the Women’s March.

Ashley Gill, Editor-in-chief

The definition of feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. It’s a simple concept: gender equality. So why is it that young girls are against feminism and reject the movement all together?

The historic and ground-breaking Women’s March took place on Jan.21, just one day after the inauguration of President Donald Trump. Women and men gathered together to empower one another and discuss women’s rights issues. The event remained positive with not one person being arrested.

But some women are against this demonstration of female empowerment, and they’re even opposed to feminism as a whole. As a young girl living in a seemingly progressive age, I find it absolutely astonishing that some people, especially women, can be opposed to gender equality.

Some women are against feminism because they believe that females are already equal to men. While it is true that women have made immense strides in gender equality over the past 20 years, there is still a disparity between genders. Women are still being paid less than men for the same work, they are underrepresented in government offices, and they still carry a majority of household duties. Also, there is a current political threat of defunding Planned Parenthood, an organization that offers vital women’s health services. Thus, it is obvious that there is still progress to be done and for that reason alone feminism is still necessary for today’s society.

In history class we learn about historical figures such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton who valiantly fought for female enfranchisement. These inspiring suffragettes conducted marches, protests, and boycotts as a way of showing the incredible power women held. Today, we owe our status in this country to the feminists of the past for their bravery and I think it’s amazing that they still have an influence in the modern fight for gender equality.

The modern feminist movement has faced new problems that have surfaced over time. Over the years, the word feminism has taken on an ugly connotation. For some unbeknownst reason, the word feminism somehow became misconstrued as “man-hating.” This is a common misconception that must be rejected. Feminism is not about eliminating men or holding women to a higher standard, but instead it advocates for equality.

As I mentioned earlier, feminists are fighting for equality of the sexes. Both sexes. Feminism is not about tearing one gender down, but rather lifting one up, and I think this is an idea that we should all support.