Snowball gets students dancing
Seniors enjoy Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” at Snowball.
February 21, 2017
The Snowball dance occurred Feb. 10 and it is safe to say it was a success. Although not as many students attended as they did for Homecoming, it did not take away from the fun-filled atmosphere. As always, the dance was decorated as a winter wonderland, with snowflakes and even large penguin balloons. The Student Council members also decided to dress up the hallways with some Hawaiian decor as well.
Kids were very happy with the DJ as he followed their request to play old music. Songs such as “Hotel Motel” and “Low” sparked old memories, causing students to burst into dance circles and competitions. Students loved seeing their classmates, and even some teachers, dress up and show off their best moves on the dance floor.
“We worked really hard to put on a fun dance where kids would enjoy themselves and their classmates,”Student Council Vice President Carly Swetz said.
Once again, Student Council put on a tremendous school event for our students. Special recognition goes to Student Council advisers Caryn Brogan and Brandon Wiater and the Student Council cabinet for all their hard work! It is a long wait until homecoming but it is definitely something the underclassmen are looking forward to.