President Trump has busy first month in the Oval Office

President Donald Trump welcoming Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the White House.
February 22, 2017
Newly inaugurated President Donald Trump and his administration have had a busy first month. From appointing cabinet members to signing his controversial executive orders, Trump’s first month in the oval office has impacted our nation’s capital.
In the past month, a variety of cabinet positions have been appointed and confirmed. Rex Tillerson has been confirmed as Secretary of State, James Mattis was confirmed as Secretary of Defense, and Jeff Sessions was confirmed as the newest Attorney General.
Perhaps Trump’s biggest appointment was the one he made to fill the seat left vacant by the late Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. Trump nominated Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Born in Colorado, Gorsuch previously served as an appellate judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the tenth circuit.
Immigration was a major issue to President Trump during his campaign, so he spent his first month in office attempting to limit illegal immigration. Trump signed a variety of executive orders limiting illegal immigration from the southern border, which include building a wall, ensuring enforcement of federal immigration laws, and stopping drug cartels.
Trump is also attempting to follow through on his campaign promise of “draining the swamp.” Trump placed a lobbying ban on executive appointees, to ensure that these government workers are serving the people, rather than their own interests.
Our new president has also hosted a variety of foreign leaders, some notables included Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He also spoke via phone with many more leaders, most notably Vladimir Putin.
The one action that many see as Trump’s most notable since being sworn in as President is his “Muslim Ban” executive order. In an attempt to limit “radical Islamic terrorism”, Trump attempted to institute an extreme vetting process that would suspend the entry of people from seven countries, all predominantly Muslim.
The ninth circuit in the Court of Appeals ruled against Trump’s executive order, so the order is no longer in effect. However, a revised piece of legislation is expected in the coming days.
It is indubitable that Trump has had a busy first month; yet he still has a lot of work to do. It is still unclear how his newfound policies will pan out, so the successes of his presidency will become clearer with time.