Violent yet emotional, “Logan” is a Marvel masterpiece
“Logan,” the final installment in the “Wolverine” series is bleak, but a must watch,
March 16, 2017
Logan is the newest addition to the Marvel series, and it is a must see.
The biggest thing to note about Logan is its R rating. The movie includes a plentiful amount of blood, gore, and body parts sliced. So, if this type of violence is not for you, than perhaps steer clear of Logan.
But, if you are able to move past Logan’s goriness, it is truly a different style of Marvel movie, as it focuses less on Wolverine the superhero, and more on Logan the man.
Logan takes place in the year 2029, and Logan (Hugh Jackman), formerly known as Wolverine, is now much older. When a mysterious woman appears with a girl named Laura (Dafne Keen), Logan is begged to transport the girl to North Dakota. This journey proves to be an arduous one.
Logan has its fair share of action, but there is an equal amount of dramatic moments that could leave the viewer emotionally spent. Jackman’s performance is simply brilliant. While Jackman still plays the character “Logan”, he is not the same Wolverine he once was.
Logan is directed by James Mangold.
Overall, Logan is a hit, and a much more mature installment of one of Marvel’s greatest series.