DIRT Assembly covers decision-making skills to freshman class
DIRT speaker John Morello awed listeners last week.
March 27, 2017
Last week, the freshman attended the DIRT assembly which focused on the importance of good decision making and the dangers of substance abuse in an entertaining and unique way. This one-man show is an emotional one that has been given at the high school for the last several years.
John Morello, an actor and speaker, uses different voices and props to portray four characters, each with his or her own story. Jason uses marijuana. Melissa is goth/punk. David/Pi uses a variety of drugs. Hank is a WWII vet who is looking back on the choices he made. Their interactions challenge students to reevaluate how they think and the choices they will make in the future.
“The main message of the DIRT assembly is thinking about your choices,” Student Assistance Counselor Gil Pilarte said. “A lot of things can happen to a lot of people no matter their position in life.”
This is the eighth time this assembly has been given, but its message still hits home.
“Very interesting and moving, and it’s important to show our young generation the dangers of drug use,” Freshman Christina Pankyo said.
“Hearing about the impact of drug and alcohol use from someone who has been there makes a different impact,” Pilarte said.
Pilarte agrees with Pankyo’s sentiments and hopes that students will connect the message to their own lives.
Presenting this information to the HHS freshman class will hopefully give them insight to guide their decision making as they are confronted with different situations in their future.