PARCC Test comes to HHS
Junior Michael DeLucia checks for his PARCC testing room. Regular testing concluded today.
April 7, 2017
From Monday April 3 through Thursday April 6, HHS students were engaged in the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers test, or most commonly known as the PARCC test. PARCC tests are administered to all math students taking Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II, and all English students in grades 9-11, excluding those in AP English Language and Composition who are registered for the AP Exam in May.
As in previous years, many parents are opting students out of the testing. Despite this trend, Principal Karen Bingert cites many reasons for students to take the PARCC test in a letter to parents.
“The current proficiency requirements are always subject to change and can change in the middle of students’ high school years, as happened with students in last year’s senior class,” Bingert said.
Bingert also informed community members that PARCC test results are more student-specific than the results from the previous test– HSPA. She also notes how a lack of student participation can have long term effects such as the loss of federal funding.
PARCC test can be used to meet certain graduation requirements. If a students fails to meet the required scores on other equivalent examinations, such as the SAT, students may fail to meet the school’s graduation requirement.
Since PARCC testing required the use of school classrooms, and many students were engaged in the testing, PARCC week included an adjusted schedule. Each day included all lunch periods, followed by an adjusted schedule with different classes meeting each day.
Although Friday will be a full day of school without testing, the bell schedule will be adjusted to compensate for classes that receive less instructional time during the testing period. There will be 90 minute blocks of time allotted to periods 2 and 9, and shortened classes for other non-lunch periods.