No, No Power Rangers
“Saban’s Power Rangers” offers much for fans, but very little for the casual moviegoer.
April 5, 2017
Go! Go! Power Rangers! Saban’s Power Rangers, the new film based off of the iconic television series, has hit theaters, and reviews are mixed. The movie stars Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Ludi Lin, and Becky G as the five rangers, and Elizabeth Banks as the evil Rita Repulsa. For those familiar with the television series, the movie’s plot is based off of the original Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers series.
The movie was clearly made with the purpose of pleasing the fans. I grew up watching Power Rangers and could notice the moments and lines that were dedicated to honoring moments from the show. However, lines such as “It’s morphin time!” may have worked in the TV show that was aimed for children, but in the movie it just made me cringe. There were numerous cringe worthy moments, but the fact that it was Power Rangers made it slightly more bearable. Moviegoers have to enter the theater knowing that the movie you’re about to watch is just for good ole, Power Rangers fun. If you didn’t watch the TV series, then don’t bother seeing the movie.
The visuals of the film is one of the biggest pros of the movie. Close to the opening of the film, there is a really cool shot from the inside of a car with no cuts all the way up to the car crashing. There are many other interesting shots that help keep your interest during the movie. The VFX are fun too.
Additionally, the movie includes a character openly on the autistic spectrum as well as an LGBTQ+ character. Having these diverse characters included in a major blockbuster film is a huge step forward for equality within the world of cinema and society in general.
One big downside of the film is the fact that the Rangers didn’t morph into their iconic suits and fight until the last twenty minutes of the film, and then half of that time they are in their Zords (giant robot-like dinosaurs that aid the Rangers in battle). I would’ve liked more action with the Rangers actually being Power Rangers.
Overall, the movie as a whole is horrible. However, as a Power Rangers movie, it is fun. Don’t go into the movie thinking you’re about to watch the next Moonlight or La La Land. It is Power Rangers after all, and if you know anything about the show, you know the film will provide ample amounts of cheese.