Will salt return to school cafeterias under Trump?

Alex Cole and Courtney Nielsen

As a result of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiatives, school cafeterias have undergone major changes. At HHS specifically, the removal of salt packets from the cafeteria leads the list.

But, as speculated, the transition of power in Washington could lead to a change in these regulations.

Earlier this month, President Trump rolled back on some of Obama’s programs, including the healthy school lunch program. Under the Obama administration, schools had to meet specific nutritional standards.

Some critics of Obama’s nutritional regulations claim that it creates an unnecessary cost burden on schools, and a decrease in involvement in the federal lunch program.

However, many are criticizing Trump’s move, arguing that just because kids want processed, high-sodium foods, they do not need them.

Of those to condemn Trump’s actions with regards to school lunches include the American Heart Association, who fear the dangers of high-sugar and high-sodium meals to the health of students.

So while salt has yet to be added to the HHS cafeteria, one can only question if and when it will make its return.

Although many students were at first angered by the changes in their cafeteria, some have come to realize the purpose of the seemingly overbearing changes.

“I initially thought that there was no reason for the school to control what its students eat,” junior Olivia Marnell said. “But I understand that the purpose is to keep us healthy, which I can appreciate.”

Whether or not President Trump’s action will reach HHS is unclear, but for now students can expect to keep eating their french fries sans salt.