Italian students summer in Italia

courtesy of Jennie Crea

Italian teacher Jennie Crea poses in front of Rome’s Trevi Fountain with her students.

Meghan Patel, Staff writer

Beautiful fountains, mind blowing buildings, and ancient statues are just a few of the captivating views witnessed by a few of last year’s Italian students. Organized by Italian teacher Jennie Crea, the summer trip gave students a chance to embark on a journey across the Atlantic to the magnificent countries of Italy, Austria, and Germany.

Crea, along with her five students, left for Europe on June 30. The six travelers spent seven glorious days exploring the western part of Europe visiting a variety of places and witnessing breathtaking sights.

On day two, after their arrival in Italy on day one, the group explored Rome; they explored the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, and Spanish Steps. The following day they visited Vatican City where they were able to enter St. Peter’s Basilica.

The remainder of the trip consisted of Florence, Verona, Tyrol, and Munich throughout which they crossed borders and experienced the cultures of varying people. Along the way of traveling throughout Western Europe the students were able to indulge in delicacies; among them a wide variety of German Sausages from Munich.

My favorite part of the trip was visiting Verona, Italy,” Crea said. “Here you can visit Juliet’s house and you can see the balcony where Romeo promised Juliet eternal love in Shakespeare’s famous tragedy.”

Not only was the trip full of fun and irreplaceable memories, it also offered the students the chance to practice their Italian in real life situations as well as the chance to visit parts of Europe that they may have never visited otherwise.

All together the students, most of who were graduating seniors, had the opportunity to experience people and places that they would never forget.