Freshman class cabinet elections scheduled for Oct. 2

by Courtney Nielsen

Freshmen Adam Gottlieb and Beth Wong campaign for president with posters on hallway walls.

Courtney Nielsen, Staff writer

On Oct. 2, the freshman class of 2021 will vote in its first year of class cabinet elections. Each student in the class will vote via Google Form and will elect a peer to each of the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. For the past two weeks, candidates have been campaigning around the school by hanging posters and creating slides for the scrolling announcements broadcast across televisions throughout HHS.  

Freshmen students Dimitri Ramirez, Beth Wong, Adam Gottlieb, and Rocco George will be in the running for president, a position that requires an innate sense of leadership.

“I decided to run for president because I feel like it is the position where I can best help the student body,” Gottlieb said. “I have been involved in Student Council for a couple of years now, and I have never seen real change take place. I am hoping that as freshman class president I can really make a difference.”

As one of the highest profile events at HHS is Spirit Night, other candidates are focused on making promises to lead the freshman class to a win.

“I chose to run for president because I’ve always believed I had a skill for bringing people together, getting things done, and leading people,” George said. “If I win, one goal of mine is to lead my class into Spirit Night and win it all, and just have a good time doing it.”

As for the position of vice president, freshmen Lexi Nielsen, Kacy Cauda, and Neev Agarwal are in the running. According to Nielsen, running for class cabinet is something she has always wanted to do, and she hopes to win so that she can be as involved in the school as possible.

The positions of secretary and treasurer are also up for grabs, and are coveted by Kaitlyn Alexander, Cole Monte, Amber Jackson, and Kara Magliaro. While the freshmen candidates are all competing for a spot in their class cabinet, they all have one common goal.

“I want to make the class of ’21 a memorable one: one people will never forget,” presidential candidate Ramirez said. “Whether it is through sports, academics, clubs, or spirit, our freshmen class of 2021 will be a family, one that works together and leaves the school better than it was.”