New year welcomes new teachers

English teacher Kim Fajardo instructs her class. Fajardo previously taught at Hillsborough Middle School before joining the high school English department.
November 10, 2015
For some students, a new school year can be exciting, but for new teachers, it can also be a whirlwind of new experiences. For many first-time educators, being in front of a large group of students can be intimidating. However, Hillsborough High School has always been able to make all newcomers, whether it be a student or a teacher, feel welcome.
Each year new teachers join various departments, and depending on the person, the levels of experience may vary. Some teachers have never taught before while others have had other education jobs in the past at other districts. Twenty-two new teachers were hired for the 2015-2016 school year. Two teachers in particular are Teresa Romano, an Algebra I and Geometry teacher, and Kimberly Fajardo, an English teacher.
Back in 2001, Romano had been teaching here in Hillsborough for two years. After having a set of twins, Romano decided to take a leave of absence. A few years in, she had a third child. Romano has spent the last fourteen years raising her family.
“I always knew I wanted to come back,” Romano said. “And I was happy that Hillsborough had a spot.” Now that her children are old enough to be self-reliant, Romano has returned to doing the thing she loves most.
“I like teaching math,” Romano said. “I’m doing Algebra I and Geometry this year.” Romano is very excited to be back in Hillsborough. When asked what it is about our town and our school that she loves, she said, “I had a very good experience when I was here, and the kids are great.”
Fajardo is another newly employed teacher at HHS. Previously, she’s taught at Hillsborough Middle School.
“I became a long-term sub in the middle of January of 2012,” Fajardo said. “Then I worked at the Middle School for two years.” Fajardo grew up in Hillsborough.
Fajardo loved growing up here and had great experiences at the high school. She also believes that the school’s population of students would be one with which she would work well.
During her time here in the high school, Fajardo had a number of teachers, including ones who still teach here, that inspired her to do what she does.
“I had Mrs. Layton, and I had Mr. Layton, and they were wonderful,” Fajardo said. “I do remember, vividly, experiences in their classroom. They were definitely an inspiration for wanting to become a teacher.” Fajardo also said, “I student taught here as well with Mrs. Puma and Mr. Puma.” Fajardo always knew that she wanted to teach in the high school because she enjoys both the curriculum and the age of her students.
Also new to the school this year are Julianne Giolli and Lauren Rankin in the English department, Sherrie Hoppe and Kevin Hodulik in the Math department, Karen DiLollo, Michelle Hill, and Darrick Jones for Science, Jennifer Fraunberger and Matthew Mosko for Social Studies, Meike Kirk for World Language, Paula Cassius and Jessica Hagood for Family and Consumer Science, Christos Papadopoulos for Applied Technology, Danielle DePirri, Jessica Stibitz, and Melissa Zrinski for Special Education, Robert Kumbatovic and Kimberly Shelus for Physical Education, and Noah Duncanson as a new Technician. Although he has previously taught in the Physical Education department, Eric Rosenthal has since moved to the Applied Technology department.