Google Leadership Summit brings Raiders to important table
The goodies were aplenty for Goggle Summit attendees such as Jillian Boose.
December 18, 2017
Last Wednesday, some of our schools’ students were selected to participate in an event that would allow them to educate others while being educated themselves.
A small group of students, ranging in ages, went to Auten Road Intermediate School alongside some of our school’s administrators, to participate in an open-style symposium regarding Hillsborough’s 1 to 1 district set-up.
The HHS student attendees were Max Kim, Carly Bronfeld, Justin Zinger, Justin Dominique, Alexis Pitti, Jillian Boose, Varun Deb, and the administrators were Computer Support Teacher Valeria Pannia and Director of Technology Joel Handler. All members of our technology department were also in attendance.
The event was set up in three different stations with Google employees, VMware employees, and superintendents and principals from other school districts in groups at each station. The group of high schoolers, a group of middle schoolers, and the group of staff members proceeded to rotate between each station.
At each station, the guests asked questions about Hillsborough’s 1 to 1 set-up in order to get information straight from those who benefit from it. The districts represented were all either considering becoming a 1 to 1 district or were already a 1 to 1 district and were looking for ways to improve its methods.
Aside from the free food and gift basket given to the students who attended, senior Jillian Boose seemed complimentary of what she gained from the event and the rest of the proceedings.
“Overall, I think it was a really positive experience,” Boose said. “It was interesting to learn from the other districts how their schools function so differently from ours, and it was even more interesting to think about how I barely remember life and school without my Chromebook at my disposal.”