“Justice League” receives mixed reviews at box office

A star-studded cast makes the newest offer from the DC franchise a must see film this winter.
December 18, 2017
The most recent movie in the DC cinematic universe is Justice League. The movie features familiar faces Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. The movie also features newcomers to the DC franchise including Ezra Miller as The Flash, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, and Ray Fisher as Cyborg.
Justice League centers around the presence of a supernatural enemy on earth. Inspired by Superman’s selfless death, Batman seeks help from his newfound ally, Wonder Woman, to quickly recruit a team of superhumans to defend the world against this horrifying entity. With a joint effort from the two of them, Batman and Wonder Woman were quickly joined by The Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman to help save the world.
Despite the formation of the Justice League, there may not be enough time left to stop the mass destruction. See Justice League to find out if the group of super-humans are able to revive the strength that was destroyed after Superman’s death in order to come out of their dangerous situation victorious.
Justice League has received mixed reviews from both audiences and critics alike. For me, Justice League is both a breath of fresh air after the disappointment of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, but also a disappointing film compared to the overwhelming success of Wonder Woman.
By looking at just the story itself, I feel as if the plot is a little confusing; some key aspects of the film are not fully explained, leaving the audience struggling to understand what exactly is happening.
Although there are holes in the plot, the new characters are what make the movie worthwhile. The introduction of Aquaman, Cyborg, and The Flash add to both the success and positive dynamic of the group. Overall, The Flash, acting as the comic relief, is the highlight of the film. Viewers can count on The Flash to crack a joke at a particularly serious moment to break some of the nervous tension. Movie goers will also feel a sort of affection towards The Flash’s innocence and naivety as the youngest member of the Justice League.
Despite Justice League‘s fatal flaws, the introduction of new characters and the dynamic of the group itself makes the film worth seeing.