HHS Student Council takes on Winter Conference
Former NJASC President, Cole Mitchell stands at the podium before he addresses the conference.
January 18, 2018
On Jan. 10 Hillsborough High School Student Council visited The College of New Jersey for the annual New Jersey Association of Student Councils (NJASC) Winter Conference. The Winter Conference is an exciting time for Student Councils around the state. Hundreds of students and faculty joined to listen to powerful speakers and further their knowledge of how to be stronger leaders.
Though students previously attended the fall conference, the winter conference is different because it revolves around the election of 2018’s State Officers. Hillsborough students were exposed to the campaigns of fellow New Jersey high schoolers who aim to lead the youth of the state, and Student Council President Jillian Boose was able to represent HHS with her vote.
“It was nice to see other student council presidents from all over New Jersey and see what they had to say about their own student governments,” Boose said. “It also felt fulfilling knowing that I was a part of determining the 2018 NJ Student Council on behalf of HHS.”
Aside from witnessing the elections, students who attended the trip had the privilege of listening to the event’s keynote speaker Kevin Wanzer, who spoke about empowering leaders. As the leaders of the school, attendees of the trip took a lot away from Wanzer’s message of acceptance, passion, and hard work.
Following Wanzer’s speech, the event transitioned into “breakout sessions,” where students attended different workshops led by different student council members from all around the state. All of the leaders shared their respective school’s fundraiser and explained the secrets behind their successful fundraisers.
A workshop that attracted many of the students was Lenape’s spirit week and pride day. The week of homecoming, the school dresses in many different themes, one for each day. Finally on Friday, all of the students come together to participate in events and perform skits. It ends with the senior class winning the night.
The Winter Conference is part of three conferences held annually by the NJASC. The group will meet one more time together at Six Flags Great Adventure in the spring.