Sebastien Fortes: The Goku of HHS

by Conner Press

Junior Sebastien Fortes has mastered the art of getting to class with celerity.

Evan Strawderman, Staff writer

Thousands of students have walked the halls of the high school over the years, therefore many names and faces have gone unnoticed. However, this is not the case for everyone.

Every class seems to have a few standout characters. For the class of 2017, the standout Raider is Sebastien Fortes. Fortes, affectionately known as “C-Bass”, embodies the spirit of standing out and being unique.

Fortes is best known throughout the school for his hallway antics. Whether it’s skipping or sprinting through the hallway or sliding down the rails of stairs, C-Bass is always on the move. He even runs with weights in his pockets to improve his speed. He does all of this to ensure he is at class on time.

“I realized my classes are far from each other, and running is the fastest way there,” Fortes said. “My goal is to get to class and become more like a Goku.”

For those unfamiliar with this title, a Goku is a character from one of his favorite video games, Dragon Ball Z. According to wikipedia, Goku is “an eccentric, monkey-tailed boy who practices martial arts and possesses superhuman strength.”

Concerning his nickname, Sebastien says it caught on in fifth grade and he has embraced it ever since. He even has a hat with his nickname emblazoned on it.

One of his favorite hobbies is  language learning, something for which he takes great pride. He takes Chinese at the school, but is also working on Japanese. Although he loves language learning he would consider history to be his favorite subject in school.

“I find it [history] very interesting and education-filled,” Fortes said. His teachers find him very interesting as well.

“Sebastien is an eccentric character who keeps the class laughing, and keeps everyone on their toes,” English teacher Ken Shindle said.

Sebastien does try to make his classmates laugh, but attributes his comedic ways to his randomness.

“Sometimes I try to make people laugh, but the randomness in my head makes me funnier,” Fortes said.

His teachers aren’t the only ones who find him valuable to the class. His peers also enjoy his humor.

“Sebastien brings a positive energy to class everyday with his unique personality,” classmate Zach Kreiswirth said. “His humor makes everyone’s day better.

We can all learn a valuable lesson from Sebastien. Although running through the halls might not be your thing, nor is it endorsed by administration, Sebastien’s uniqueness shows everyone the importance of being yourself and not being afraid to express yourself.