Donnadio wrestles his way to milestone 100th win

courtesy of Steve Molinaro

Senior Anthony Donnadio stands proud with his family after his 100th win.

Elissa Nsenkyire, Staff writer

Achieving 100 wins in the art of wrestling is a goal that wrestlers work very hard and long to achieve.

Senior Anthony Donnadio reached his lifelong goal of winning 100 varsity wrestling matches, obtaining the century mark earlier this month.

Going into his 100th match at 27-1 on the season after a crushing loss against a rival only one win away from 100, Donnadio was more determined than ever to accomplish his goal.

“It felt like finally completing a goal I’ve had for my entire life,” Donnadio said. “Words cannot describe the feeling that I felt at that moment but it was one that I will never forget.”

Donnadio’s future is likely to have many more success stories and those who support him have high hopes and expectations for what the talented wrestler can accomplish.

Donnadio continues to train and practice hard to ultimately become the best wrestler he can be and has nothing but support and love from all angles to back his aspirations. He continues to prepare for districts, regionals, and states where there is a high chance for him to meet additional goals.

“I am beyond excited for what the rest of my high school wrestling career holds,” Donnadio said. “With all the love and support I have behind me I can’t wait to see how far I can go.”