Gibbs reaches 3 million views
When you are social media famous, everyone wants you in their selfie. Junior Grant Gibbs is all too familiar with this after his rant on summer readings went viral this summer.
November 13, 2015
When someone asks you “what did you do this summer?” the usual response is dull or vague. What if I told you one of our Hillsborough High School students can respond with “I became social media famous”?
Junior Grant Gibbs has always been known for his outgoing personality and natural ability to make people laugh. He has also been able to easily attract followers on social media outlets.
With an impressive 7,690 followers on Instagram and 2,642 followers on Twitter, it is fair to say lots of people love to watch Gibbs and all of his antics.
His most recent video, a rage-filled diatribe on assigned summer readings, topped all previous efforts, getting over three million views on Facebook. It was then retweeted by some of the most famous twitter accounts on the internet.
Widely followed accounts such as Common White Girl, Happy Gifs, and World Star Fans all posted Gibb’s video on their accounts which garnered Gibbs some serious recognition.
“I think summer reading is unnecessary and assigning a total of five summer reading books is a bit excessive,” Gibbs said. “It takes away from the point of a summer vacation, and I wanted to express the stress being put on me through a video.”
Gibbs openly expressed his feelings through a litany of expletives.
“I had a very bad potty mouth,” he said. “Looking back, I probably wouldn’t have cursed as much, but I didn’t think it was going to explode the way that it did. But now I can take a very valuable lesson away; videos posted on the internet are there forever and will come around and bite you in the butt.”
When asked if he was proud of his video, Gibbs responded with mixed feelings.
“I’m not necessarily proud of the video, but I don’t really regret it either” he said. “Again, I wish I did not curse as much as I did, but my opinion stated in the video still stands, and I know I am not like that uncivilized, potty mouthed character that appears in the video.”