GirlUp club gets resuscitated

The symbol of the U.N which created the GirlUp organization to help save girls from child marriages and to empower women.
April 17, 2018
Hillsborough High School offers a large variety of clubs; for any interest, there is most likely a club focused on the interest or topic. While Girl Up had previously been once up and running in years prior, it had been discontinued due to lack of members. However, junior Hanna Kim took the initiative to restart the club, and it has been growing rapidly ever since.
With Alex Lasin as VP, Brielle Seidel as secretary, Jess Muth as treasurer, and Hanna Kim as president, the club has been off to a strong start. Since its initiation, the club has already had one fundraiser and many information sessions.
The goal of the club is to fund for the U.N organization Girl Up, an organization that sends financial aid to struggling countries so women can receive an education, and also sends speakers and missionaries to rescue young girls from child marriages and other dangerous situations.
“I restarted this club because this issue is really important to me and I feel that it is for a good cause,” Kim said. “Other members of the club are just as passionate about the cause.”
“I love women,” Lasin said. “I went to the women’s march, and I volunteer at Safe and Sound; helping women in any way I can and raising awareness for issues is important to me.”
So far, the club has been a success, particularly its fundraiser which allowed the club to send money to the Girl Up organization. In order to raise funds, members sold goody bags with a bracelet, candy, and a fact about women in third world countries.
There are additional ways one can support the club and its endeavors. Students can donate directly to the organization through the U.N website, or can contact one of the club administrators to help.
Kim hopes to raise awareness for important issues, but also to ensure that the club will have a lasting effect on Hillsborough High School.
“I hope a lot of underclassmen join, so they can carry on with the club after we graduate,” Kim said.
The club has gained traction and is a part of Hillsborough High School, with no signs of stopping.