HHS debate team competes in Florida, grabs first place
The flag of the Model United Nations, which HHS recently competed in, serving as Japan and New Zealand.
March 22, 2018
At HHS, many clubs and teams are able to travel locally to compete. However, few are able to embark on long distance trips to ply their craft in other countries or states. HHS Debate received this rare opportunity when it traveled to Orlando, Florida, for a Model UN competition.
Eleven members of HHS debate traveled to Florida High Schools Model United Nations, held in Altamonte Springs, Florida, on March 2. Over four days of sessions, these members competed intensely on a variety of committees and issues.
These members represented the countries of Japan and New Zealand, and debated on matters including world health, gender, and international disarmament.
Hillsborough debtors were recognized for their efforts. Sophomores Yash Parikh and Alicia Liu were each recognized as Best Delegate for their individual committees, while freshman Ryan Pierson was awarded Most Improved for her committee.
As a team, Hillsborough was also rewarded for its efforts, despite being one of the smaller teams in attendance. The students representing Japan won best country delegation, while New Zealand took second, establishing a sweep for Hillsborough.
“This conference helped me grow my ability to speak with eloquence to others,” junior and club president Teresa Buzzoni said. “I feel lucky to have gone on a trip with a group of individuals who challenge me to be better.”
After the closing ceremony, the team took time to relish in their win, heading to Universal Studios and Universal Islands of Adventure for a day of rides, snacks, and sun. They returned home on March 6.
Overall, it was a valuable learning experience and a great trip, which all members of HHS Debate greatly enjoyed.