Trip to Crayola Experience is a hit with Early Childhood and Interior Design students
A visitor to the Crayola Experience shows off her spin art project!
April 19, 2018
Early Childhood and Advance Interior Design took a field trip to the Crayola Experience on April 9. Jessica Hagood, teacher of the early childhood class, combined both her period 2/3 class and her 9/10 class for the trip. The early childhood class is an elective here at HHS that runs a preschool for 3-5 year olds for just over an hour, three times a week.
Hagood thought it would be a great idea to take a field trip to Easton, Pa., to visit the Crayola Experience. Many students attending the trip want to be teachers and this trip allowed students to gather activities and ideas that could be used to make their classroom better one day.
“The Crayola trips make me realize how much color, imagination, and creativity are important to a child’s development,” senior Jenna Pudimott said. “Color grabs attention and keeps interest in activities.”
The Crayola Experience is filled with various activities spread across four floors. To see all the different colors, crayons, and markers that have been made there in the factories since 1903 is quite interesting.
“From going to the Crayola factory, we were allowed to bring out our inner child for the day,” Pudimott said.
The students were able to act as preschoolers and junp into their shoes to see what they would enjoy. This will benefit the preschoolers as the high school students will bring it back to the class for them to play with.
“It was a very good experience, there were a lot of interactive activities using both crayons and watercolors that are simple enough to bring back to the classroom, and keep the kids interactive and learning,” senior Stella Pashaian.