“Tomb Raider” impresses movie-goers

Main character Lara Croft stands at the center of both this fierce poster and the action-packed film.

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Main character Lara Croft stands at the center of both this fierce poster and the action-packed film.

Elissa Nsenkyire, Staff writer

Tomb Raider, a PG-13 rated movie, was released this past March and has proven to be very popular among movie-goers.

Tomb Raider is the story of Lara Croft, the daughter of an eccentric adventurer who vanished years earlier. Her mission is to solve the mystery of her father’s disappearance. Croft embarks on a perilous journey to his last-known destination — a tomb on a mythical island.

Lara must rely on her sharp mind, blind faith and stubborn spirit to venture into the unknown.

The two hour film is one that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Never knowing what to expect next, movie-goers are consistently surprised throughout the movie.

As an audience member, I felt compassion and hope for Lara Croft. The exquisite production of the movie allows audience members to want success for Lara, perhaps even more than she does making the movie all the more real and enjoyable.

This movie can be enjoyed by those who enjoy intense action and mild violence. There is a drama component of the movie which ultimately balances the fantasy and action within it.

If you have yet to view this stellar production, head over to the movies before it is too late!